pixel -- Pixel Type

Syntax: pixel subcommand ?args...?

The pixel command provides access to the image crate's Rgba pixel type: red/green/blue plus the alpha channel. This is useful for creating pixel art.

pixel fromConstructs a pixel from components
pixel redExtracts the red component from a pixel
pixel greenExtracts the green component from a pixel
pixel blueExtracts the blue component from a pixel
pixel alphaExtracts the alpha component from a pixel

Pixel Representation

The string representation of a pixel is a standard web RGB hex string, one byte per color, with an optional suffix for the alpha channel: "#rrggbb?.aa?". Some examples:

  • #000000 black, alpha is 255
  • #00ff00 green, alpha is 255
  • #ffffff white, alpha is 255
  • #ffffff.ff white, alpha is 255
  • #ffffff.00 white, alpha is 0 (fully transparent)
  • #ffffff.80 white, alpha is 128 (half transparent)

The hex digits are case-insensitive.

Note: the "." is a little odd; but it simplifies the logic if we allow large pixel components in the future. Without the ".", "#0123456789AB" could be interpreted as three RGB values, "0123", "4567", and "89AB", or three RGB values and an alpha, "012", "345", "678", "9AB".

pixel from

Syntax: pixel from r g b ?a?

Constructs a pixel value given its red, green, blue, and alpha components as integers from 0 to 255. If omitted, the alpha component defaults to 255. Returns the pixel value.

pixel red

Syntax: pixel red pixel

Extracts the red component from a pixel as an integer.

pixel green

Syntax: pixel green pixel

Extracts the green component from a pixel as an integer.

pixel blue

Syntax: pixel blue pixel

Extracts the blue component from a pixel as an integer.

pixel alpha

Syntax: pixel alpha pixel

Extracts the alpha component from a pixel as an integer.