rand -- Random Number Generator

Syntax: rand subcommand ?args...?

The rand command provides access to the rand crate's thread_rng. It has the following subcommands.

rand boolGenerates a random boolean
rand rangeGenerates an integer from a range
rand sampleSelects an item randomly from a list

rand bool

Syntax: rand bool ?prob?

Returns either a 1 or 0, both with probability 0.5. If given, prob must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the probability of getting a 1.

TODO: Rejects prob if it is exactly 0.0 or 1.0. That might be a nuisance.

rand range

Syntax: rand range ?start? end

Randomly selects and returns a number in the range start to (end - 1). The start value defaults to 0.

rand sample

Syntax: rand sample list...

Randomly selects and returns an element from a list. The list can be provided as a single value, or as multiple elements on the command line, i.e., the two calls shown below both return a random letter "a", "b", "c", "d", or "e".

rand sample a b c d e

set list [list a b c d e]
rand sample $list